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The Winter 2025 issue of Thunderbird Times was mailed to all homes in Mahwah Township to be sure everyone in the community – beyond parents of current students – feels connected to MTPS schools.
On behalf of the Board of Education, I hope your children have had a successful first half of the 2024-25 school year by learning new and exciting things while making good friends. I personally thank you for supporting our schools and actively collaborating to ensure academic success for all MTPS students.
Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 3, 2025, when the Mahwah Schools Foundation will host its annual gala. Its tricky tray raffle and silent auction are among the ways the important event raises funds that will ultimately come to the schools.
Over the past five years, our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan called “The Mahwah Blueprint" informed our progress toward well-defined goals. It emerged from a collaborative process through which all community members could share their perspectives about our district’s points of pride and areas for growth.
Thanks to the Mahwah Schools Foundation, students at all 3 K-3 elementary schools are enjoying vessel-making workshops.
Representatives from 10 northern New Jersey school districts came to Mahwah to learn how to train their colleagues in Hands-Only CPR. The ripple effect will result in hundreds of adults being trained in critical lifesaving skills.
During the 2023-2024 school year, we started the T-Bird Talk Series and our experience was so great together that we want to keep the dialogue going.
Another 70 Mahwah Township Public Schools staff members learned life-saving skills to help the district build its network of employees who are certified in CPR.
We are excited to introduce the first edition of the Thunderbird Times! The goal is to share, on an ongoing basis, some of the wonderful things that are happening in Mahwah Public Schools.
Join us in celebrating the honor of being selected as a 2023 ITEEA STEM School of Excellence! Click on title for more>>>
At the heart of Future Ready Schools® (FRS) and the Interactive Planning Dashboard is the Future Ready Framework, a robust structure for digital learning visioning, planning, and implementation focused on student-centered learning. The research-based framework emphasizes collaborative leadership and creating an innovative school culture. All content focuses on seven key areas, referenced as gears, plus leadership, each of which is addressed during the comprehensive planning process. Mahwah Schools has undergone this planning process to create an action plan, unique to our school district, and ultimately keeps student learning at the heart of all decision-making.
Information on our Eight Elective Career Pathways. Click on title for more >>>
Thunderbird Partnership Program invites our community's experts to work alongside teachers and students to bridge the gap between content and real-world application. Click on title for more>>