Board & District Goals
School Board Goals
1. The Mahwah Board of Education, in keeping with its responsibilities to define the vision for district growth and improvement, will engage in another strategic planning process alongside the administration, staff, students, school families and the wider Mahwah Community.
2. The Mahwah Board of Education is committed to ensuring that policies and regulations are up to date with current practice and protocols needed to effectively run a school district. More specifically, we will review series 1000 & 7000. The Mahwah Board of Education will review and update board policies on an ongoing basis.
3. The Mahwah Board of Education, in conjunction with the administration, will engage with and oversee the work of the district communications consultant to refine community communication methods and practices.
School District Goals
1. Curriculum and Instruction - Mahwah Public Schools will continue to implement NJTSS and develop our ability to utilize various sources of data to inform instructional programming and implement strategies that target areas for growth for all students.
2. Community Engagement and Goal-Setting - Mahwah Public Schools will close out the 2020-2025 Mahwah Blueprint, while engaging the Mahwah community and all stakeholders in developing a subsequent 2025-2030 Strategic Plan to guide the district’s focus to share goals that benefit our students and community and to highlight district successes.
3. Finance and Facilities - The district will continue to maintain, plan, and address instructional and non-instructional locations throughout the district that require updating or development. Planning will emphasize fiscal responsibility while ensuring that our students have access to high-quality learning environments. or Communication?
- 2024-2025
School Board Goals
- The Board will negotiate a successor agreement with both the Mahwah Administrative Association (MAA) and the Mahwah Supervisor's Association (MSA). (Achieved)
- The Board will utilize the already established Ad-Hoc Committee to work with the Transportation Department to assess effectiveness and find efficiencies in the operating protocols. (Achieved)
School District Goals
- Curriculum and Instruction - Mahwah Public Schools will continue to implement NJTSS and develop our ability to utilize various sources of data to inform instructional programming and implement strategies that target areas for growth for all students. (Achieved)
- Community Connections - There is an ongoing effort to develop relationships with the Mahwah Community and beyond. Mahwah Public Schools will continue to develop relationships with community/business partners. Additionally, it is imperative that our communication is one that is comprehensive, ongoing, and is executed through means that are best suited for our community.
- Finance and Facilities - The district will identify, plan, and address instructional and non-instructional locations throughout the district that require updating or development. Planning will emphasize fiscal responsibility while ensuring that our students have access to high-quality learning environments. (Achieved)
- 2023-2024
School Board Goals
- The Mahwah Board of Education is committed to ensuring that policies and regulations are up to date with current practice and protocols needed to effectively run a school district. The Mahwah Board of Education will review and update policy Series 3000 and Series 4000. (Achieved)
- In order to gain a deeper understanding of the financial plan of the district, the board will engage in training on aspects of the budget and its role in district governance. (Achieved)
- The board will negotiate a successor agreement with the Mahwah Education Association. (Achieved)
School District Goals
- CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION - Mahwah Public Schools will undertake a comprehensive assessment of district data and data practices to ensure optimal application to support student achievement. (Achieved)
- COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS - Continue work, in alignment with the Strategic Plan to engage the community of Mahwah and industry of the surrounding area to support learning in our schools, encourage expansion of learning beyond our school walls, and ultimately enhance student understanding of real-world application of the curriculum. (Acceptable progress made on-going goal)
- ALL FOUR FRAMES OF THE STRATEGIC PLAN: The district will take part in a comprehensive audit specific to equity and inclusion. This work will identify points of strength as well as any possible areas for growth that need to be addressed in order to ensure a high-quality learning experience for all students and families that we serve. (Achieved)
School Board Goals
- In order to ensure transparency and awareness across all members of the board of education, the Mahwah Board of Education is committed to improving intra-board communication. To that end, the board will create protocols that will allow all committees to communicate, work, progress, and plan to the rest of the Board. (Achieved)
- The Mahwah Board of Education is committed to ensuring that policies and regulations are up to date with current practice and protocols needed to effectively run a school district. The Mahwah Board of Education will review and update board by-laws as/if needed. Review and update policy Series 6000 and Series 9000. (Achieved)
- In our district’s commitment to be up to date on best practices in operational procedures and by-laws, the Mahwah Board of Education will review and update board by-laws as/if needed. (Achieved)
School District Goals
- Facilities - Continue work, in alignment with the Strategic Plan and the LAN Facility audits, to establish forecasting models for the replacement / upgrade of outdated infrastructure systems within the District. (Acceptable progress made on-going goal)
- Community Connections - Continue work, in alignment with the Strategic Plan to engage the community of Mahwah and industry of the surrounding area to support learning in our schools and enhance student understanding of real-world application of the curriculum. (Acceptable progress made on-going goal)
- Curriculum - In alignment with the Strategic Plan, develop programming that utilizes innovative practices to transform curriculum implementation in all disciplines across all grade levels to focus on creating real-world authentic learning experiences. (Acceptable progress made on-going goal)
- 2021-2022